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FEATURES Reports from various segments of harbor logistics frontlines

  As is well known, lots of vessels come and go at ports to load and unload cargoes day in
and day out. Various private and public sectors/organizations involved take their full
responsibilities to achieve smooth and accurate logistics activities.
However, we often hear that each business scope of the sectors/organizations is so professional that their actual contributions and daily efforts to deal with ever-changing logistics needs are not clear.

 To narrow the gap, the feature of this month introduces what they do, what to improve,new targets and so on from the viewpoints of frontlines.

Terminal operator
Efforts of high grading customer-oriented service at "Port of Yokohama Mega-terminal" /Hiroyoshi Ohta
Longshore works and warehousing
Our concerns, efforts, and requests for more attractive workplace /Susumu Takeuchi
90 day trial on the extension of gate opening hours at Port of Kobe /Atsushi Sakai
Privatization of The Port of Tokyo Terminal Public Corporation and the new company details /Hiroyuki Toya
Column Privatization of international port terminal public corporation /Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ports and Harbors Bureau,Port Management and Operation Division
Cargo tally and check
To be a total logistics coordinator in harbor areas by accumulated expertise
●The Japan Cargo Tally Corporation
●All Nippon Checkers Corporation
Cargo inspection
A new task; consulting about cargo damage prevention
●Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai
●Shin Nihon Kentei Kyokai
Customs house broker
Wider range of job scope due to on-going globalization /Jun Sonoda
Security reinforcement and new programs for more smoothness / Masumi Yoritaka
"24 hours a day, 365 days a year" customs clearance, newly-started on 7/1/07 by Tokyo Customs /Tetsu Katada
Plant Protection Station
Prevention efforts of proliferation and spread of plant pests and diseases in Okinawa /Masanao Odahara
Quarantine Station
Our mission is to protect peopleユs life and health ! /Masaharu Hamamoto
"Safety keepers" at ports /Kenichi Uchida
Foundation of "Japan Federation of Pilotユs Associations" in
April of this year /Nobutaka Ashimi
Immigration Bureau
New efforts for smoother entry and departure procedures /Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau Yokohama District Immigration Office