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FEATURES 〜global warming preventive measures at ports〜

The examples introduced in this feature contribute to the reduction of at least
10,000 ton CO2/year which is equivalent to CO2 quantity needed for 12,000,000 km driving by 4 ton truck. More and more matters for the reduction are expected at ports.
The feature of this month introduces aggressive efforts both in Japan and in foreign countries.

Special Essay
Positive efforts to alleviate the global warming at ports are playing an important role for port managements and their strategies.
/secretary general, International Association of Ports and Harbors, Satoshi Inoue
Japanese ports should take the initiative in curbing the global warming and contribute to making a vision of CO2 reduction to the international shipping industry
/journalist/environment counselor,Yuko Sakita
CO2 generation by port activities and its international acknowledgement and responsibility
/professor of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology,Yutaka Watanabe
The action of the country
The current activity of the special committee on reduction of greenhouse gas emission by ports and its future plan
/Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport andTourism, Ports & Harbors Bureau Gaku Inoue
(column) climate change issue  
/Climate Change Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Recent activities for the global warming alleviation by Ministry of Land,Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
/Policy Bureau,Environmental Policy Divion,Dai Teramae
Overseas recent examples
RCI/The World Ports Climate Conference/World Port Climate Declaration
/Port of Rotterdam Authority
Environmental Management System & Clean Air Action Plan at Port of LA
/Port of Los Angeles, Tokyo office,Yoshinobu Kajimoto
Domestic recent examples
Using a new freezing technology developed by "Thermodynamic System" in Sapporo for CO2 reduction in trucking of frozen fish
/Masaharu Nunokawa
Model projects of Green Logistics Partnership by taking advantage of the largest international port in Iwate, Port of Ofunato
/ Ofunato city office, Ports &'Harbours Economy Department,Ports & Harbours Economy Division

Power supplies from land to training ships of National Institute for Sea Training started in Tokyo bay and its expected amount of CO2 reduction
/Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government,Yuuichi Itou
/National Institute for Sea Training,Goichi Kon

Modal shift by ferry for Honda car transportation from Suzuka to Niigata 
/Nippon Konpo Unyu Soko Co.,Ltd. Daisuke Gunji
Environment-friendly hybrid type transfer crane
/Nagoya United Container Terminal, Kikuo Ukai
Modal shift subsidy program by Osaka City for our ferry service to/from Osaka and Northern Kyushu
/Meimon Taiyo Ferry Co.,Ltd. ,Tetsuya Yamamoto
Container feeder service by barge between Kobe and Mishimakawanoe,Ehime
/UNI-X Corporation Masakazu Nagata
Our efforts for logistics efficiency by "hub & spoke" concept by ferry service in Japan and by using the closest ports to our markets and using Shanghai Super Express service for imports from Shanghai to Japan
/Yasukawa Electric Corporation, Yasunori Yamagata