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FEATURES How do ports contribute to SCM ?
〜 Ports contribute to our global competitiveness and lives. 〜

Japanese companies' efforts on SCM have been made not only in Japan but in the world, which make it possible for them to achieve efficiencies and ptimums of corporate managements. In addition, the efforts contribute to our world competitiveness and our daily lives.

These days, SCM is not confined to a management efficiency tool and is gaining social functions such as disaster prevention,security,and environment protection.

The feature of this month introduces you corporate SCM strategies, including the new functions, and show you how ports play their roles in them.

Concept of SCM /its recent progress/its new expectations/
port management viewpoint to support SCM.
/ Motohisa Abe
SCM supporting the world competitiveness of our country

Yamaha Motor Co.,Ltd. ~SCM strategy on after market parts~
Six hubs of parts distribution in the world to cope with diversified needs in 180 countries.
/ Hiroyuki Hoshihara

Vantec Corporation
~Networking efforts for Global SCM on auto parts logistics~
/ Akira Koyama / Hiroshi Iwasaki
Juki Corporation 〜 Environment-friendly SCM 〜
Modal-shift to railway transportation
/ Katsuro Ogiwara / Mitsuharu Nakano
"Marine Asset Tag Tracking System" -one of Cargo Security Programs / Keisuke Kanemaru
Recent tendency of multi-functional warehouses promoting SCM / Akihiro Ueda
REPORT 〜 SCM supporting our daily lives 〜
Origin Toshu Co.,Ltd Imports of one thousand kinds of ingredients/meterials from all over the world and prompt/safe/stable distribution of ingredients.
/Yusuke Hayakawa