公益社団法人 日本港湾協会  Port-Navi
TOP> 「港湾」> 最新号/バックナンバー> バックナンバー86巻> 11月号
FEATURES 〜The past history and the present of international ocean container transportation〜

 The feature of this month makes an overview of 50-year history of international ocean container transportation and of changes of its surrounding circumstances.
 In addition, the feature introduces the current efforts of those sectors concerned such as shippers,shipping companies,terminals,the administration and so on.

Basic Thesis
The influence of containerization on the volume increase of international trade
〜its contribution to regions,economics,societies,and lives〜
/ Hajime Inamura / Tomoyoshi Suzuki
The container ports in Japan, centralized ? distributed ?
〜comparison of Japan,China, and Korea by Geo-economic Concentration Index〜 / Hitoshi Ieda
The increasing trend of worldwide container trade and our country's position /Kou Hirasawa
The necessity of vessel callings of trunk lines in terms of container cargo value / Hironao Takahashi
History of international container transportation
The overview of international containerization history
〜focusing on harbor policies of our country up to now〜
/ Teruhiko Saitou
Harbor maintenance/upgrading efforts of Port of Kobe
/ Makoto Yoshii
The present efforts for container logistics
〜competing with other Asian ports〜 / Shohei Sasaki
Containerization from shipping companies' standpoint
〜history/deregulation/future themes〜 / Shinzo Kawamura
International logistics from SCM point of view, supporting high quality Japanese products / Motoshi Nakayama
The analysis and future of mega-container operators in the world
/ Sumio Suzuki
The history of port operation machine -gantry crane-
/ Japan Association of Cargo-handling Machinery Systems
ISO specifications of ocean container and container for railroad transport / Tomihiro Watanabe
Introduction of container related accidents at port area
/ Fumitoshi Matsuno