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FEATURES 〜 Structuring new international logistic network with East Asia 〜
 At present, East Asian countries such as China are pulling the world economy by taking advantage of quality, but low cost, work force and of rapidly growing middle class. Asian countries are replacing Western countries' position as "the world plant and market". There development is giving lots of opportunities of expanding Japanese economy. It is indispensable for us to accelerate economic exchange more and to create smooth cargo flow in order to ensure the economic grouth.
 The feature of this month introduces a variety of efforts like economic partnership and international logistics trend in East Asia, business strategies of Japanese companies in the region, and structuring of seamless and direct network of international logistics in the region making use of international high-speed multimodal transportation.

What's going on and what to do in the field of international logistics in East Asia / Wang Mariner
Tendency of economic partnership and international logistics in East Asia
Significance and what to do of economic partnership with East Asian countries / Kazutomo Abe
Upgrading inland transportation corridors in Northeastern Asia
/ Hirofumi Arai
Cooperation among regional cities of Japan, China, and Korea for the development of East Asian economy / Mitsuo Nakatomi
Relationship between ASEAN and East Asian in terms of trade / shipping data / Masahiro Yoshimi
Business strategy for East Asia logistics
Logistics in East Asia for Komatsu / Kuniko Urano
Logistics improvement at Bandai / Shoji Yamada
Traceability attestation organization on international resource recycle logistics network / Takamasa Hayashi
Export of fruits in Tottori / Takeshi Maruyama
Export of Agricultural and dairy products of Hokkaido for East Asian market / Satoshi Tomizawa
Attempts to seek efficient logistics in East Asia
New proposals for Japan-China logistics / Masahiro Terauchi
Beginning of ferry service in Japan Sea / Ikuo Mitsuhashi
New phase of SEA & RAIL service / Akichika Ikeda
Standardization of pallet specifications to realize seamless Logistics in East Asia / Hiroji Fukumoto
Attempts to achieve Global visibility of containers, initiated in East Asia / Takeshi Morikawa