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Cargo handling machine by the Great East Japan

Earthquake and preparation for possible natural disasters

in the future.



 The catastrophic earthquake did much damage on harbor loading/unloading equipments such as gantry crane.

 Lessons from the damages of Port of Kobe by Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995 led nationwide ports to anti-earthquake reinforcement promotion for wharf, crane, and so on.

As a result, wharf damages this time were relatively smaller than those by Great Hanshin Earthquake. However, floods and floating wreckages by tsunamis after the earthquake in March caused huge damages on loading equipments and sheds .

 Water damages of electrical systems like transforming equipments take a few months to get fixed, as they are basically order products. Even if damages of port facilities such as wharves are not terrible, out of use loading equipments jeopardize logistics and industrial functions of harbors for a long time, which affects not only economic recovery process of the disaster-stricken areas but the whole country.

  The container terminal of Port of Sendai-Shiogama got heavy damages particularly. We believe that it was the very first time for such a large-scale container terminal to get damaged by tsunami in the world. The feature of this month shows efforts to achieve possible earliest restoration of the Sendai-Shiogama container terminal and loading machines’ preparation for natural disasters such as earthquake,tsunami,storm and so forth.

  • Loading cranes hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake and preparations for future disasters

  • /Nobuyuki Kobayashi
  • Port of Sendai-Shiogama container terminal struck by the earthquake and tsunami and its Struggles for restoration

  • /Satoshi Hiratsuka, Kyoe Otsubo, Hirofumi Furuichi,
    Yoshiharu Yoshida, Eiji Kohama, and Kazushige Watanabe
    Earthquake proof countermeasure
  • countermeasures in gantry cranes for earthquake-resistance

  • /Eiji Kohama
    Running away by window
  • Technology development to prevent gantry crane running away

  • /Kenji Shigemura
    Sharing information
  • Nationwide information sharing on specifications of gantry crane parts and inventory of  spare parts

  • /Katsuto Masuda
    Cargo handling machines in port area
